Rappahannock Review's Contributor Spotlight

“Sleep, sleep, sleep," my mother says. But I cannot help thinking about waking the next morning. To the white and pink light, to the green-winged pigeon’s murmuring, to the breathing of my brothers, to my uncle already speaking his mind to the pig. To rolling from my sleeping, my twisted covers, my corner mattress. To touching one toe to the floor, my own luck for the new year.  

- from "Waking" - Rappahannock Review, Issue 2.1, Winter 2015

Last year the fiction editors of Rappahannock Review accepted my story "Waking," and later they asked if I'd agree to an interview. Of course, I said yes, knowing how much this would help me think about the larger project of which the story is a very small, yet important part. I loved responding to the thoughtful questions, which moved from inspiration for the piece to its quiet acts of rebellion. The interview is now live at Rappahannock's Contributor Spotlight.




Novel-in-Progress and Publications

The novel-in-progress is sighing loudly while I take a pause in the revisions. Meanwhile, novel excerpts are seeing publication here and there.

Here's the latest!

"The Peterson's Field Guide to the Birds" storySouth - Autumn 2014

"Something for Nothing" - forthcoming in Waccamaw Journal

"Waking" - forthcoming in Rappahannock Review