An Interview on The Geography of First Kisses for Diverse Voices Book Review

On the podcast, Diverse Voices Book Review, host Hopeton Hay interviews me about The Geography of First Kisses. Our conversation touched on the stories’ themes of love and belonging, fabulist whispers, fact infused into fiction, and how long certain stories take to write. Hopeton and I have known each other since high school in New Orleans, and it’s clear that we both still have a great appreciation for literature. I always love speaking with Hopeton, and I loved this interview! Listen here!

"Words So Odd & Ordered: An Interview with Karin Cecile Davidson" about her story collection The Geography of First Kisses

Margo Orlando Littell interviews me about THE GEOGRAPHY OF FIRST KISSES in Newfound’s final Issue. Questions arise about place, especially “the gravitational pull” of the South; about the language, images, details in the stories; about themes of wanderlust, recklessness, transformation; about origins, approaches, and “the element of carelessness.” And then answers appear, incorporating structural ideas of Americana and patchwork quilts, and including bits and bobs like tractor parts, tornado weather, a flying pig, backroads, coastlines, constellations, quail calls, abuse, near abandonment, a bodiless baby, lost bread, direction, misdirections, miracles, a child’s perspective, things to come.

In the Spring 2017 Newfound issue, I interviewed Margo about her debut story collection EACH VAGABOND BY NAME, and so it is sad and perfect and full circle for her to interview me about my debut story collection as well. Gratitude for all those interviews and for this one in return, especially since GEOGRAPHY is just one-week away from publication.