six - plus ONE - things about me





1.  The one and only time I tasted coquina stew was at New Smyrna Beach in 1965. Salt and sand.






2.  In 1968, I'd ride my Schwinn through the cemeteries in New Orleans, already knowing enough about the dead not to be scared.





3.  I still love to wait for parades. There aren't enough parades in this world. Obviously, I need to move back to New Orleans.







4.  My father, like Popeye, was a sailor man.




5.  Fluid in the ear is no joke. I now know why babies with earaches cry and cry and cry. 





6.  I love words more than fallen leaves.





and because in NOLA we love lagniappe - a little extra:

7.  I'm looking for a coastline to call home.

"The Cap"

When asked by Prime Number's Prose Editor, Cliff Garstang, about the inspiration for my story "The Cap," I responded:

"Barry Hannah once said of a rich and reckless woman he’d like to have punished for running down his dog in her SUV, 'I set out to destroy that woman. But instead I’ve immortalized her.' I do believe I’ve done the same with a rich and reckless man." 


"Mr. H is working on lost time, ill-conceived time, time that waits for no one. He hasn’t ever had this problem before and is unsure of how to handle it. It is a definite conundrum. Mr. H loathes conundrums and says so to himself. Out loud. “I loathe conundrums.” Still, all the clocks in the house keep ticking."

- from "The Cap" by Karin C. Davidson - Prime Decimals 13.2 - Flash Fiction 

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